Saturday, March 8, 2008

Who is running our countries?

I for one cannot believe our Governments are doing everything they can in preventing terrorism, genocide or ethnic cleansing, butchery or the damnation of our world. It seems these Governments are more concerned about lining their own pockets with wealth, greed, a good living for themselves or family, possessing the rights to oil reserves, Uranium deposits, Copper, diamonds, gold or other valuable resources than for the good of any people. Is our world rapidly moving toward evil than good, or to the day our world is destroyed? It seems our world's way of thinking has flip flopped or reversed itself, what was good is no longer acceptable, and what is bad is cool now, or what the majority of good people once thought mattered, is now decided by a minority of idiots?

Until people take a stand together ... key word [together], we are headed for some ungodly times, pain, suffering, and misfortune folks. It seems the leaders of all countries are standing by allowing terrorists groups to grow, populate their countries, while shrugging their shoulders. Do they think the problem will stop if they choose to do nothing in stopping these evil slayers of all that is good? Do they believe greed and money will buy off disasters? Are you ready for that? I don't believe anyone will be......... the end is neigh if something doesn't change for the better.


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