Saturday, March 22, 2008

Present Wars affecting the United States

1. [ 1st war] Republicans vs Democrats

This is a very crucial and dangerous war for several reasons;

A. It affects all Americans
B. The outcome will determine what decisions are made for our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
C. What decisions are made concerning our economy.
D. What decisions are made regarding the evil threats of terrorism.
E. This war has broken down traditional parties ... to a point where no parties can agree on anything, very dangerous considering these parties make up our present form of government.
F. Decisions that may affect the soveirenty of America altogether.
G. During this Presidential campaign .. the present candidates for Presidency are questionable.

[2nd War] Terrorism abroad .. worldwide

[3rd War] Terrorism and the evil within our own country by foreigners and Americans who seek to destroy our country's religion and practices, American traditions, morals, family structures, education system, freedoms and rights of good Americans here by whatever means.

As Americans, we are living during dangerous times . Our world and country today is vulnerable to attacks from within and abroad ... until our leaders begin to make good decisions, our parties join together instead of fighting each other ... we might be able to produce some actions to prevent future devastation for all.

1 comment:

blogadmin said...

I totally agree with you. I am a veteran myself. I just wanted you to know that I did an exhaustive review of the Pentagon report on Saddam released March 2008. I found that Saddam was financing, training, and his Fedayeen troops carrying out operations with al Qaida and its subsidiaries since 1990. I wrote a book that I tried to get out before the election, but did not have the connections. My book is finally getting published by WNDbooks. I like you understand the terrorist threat we face. My web site is .